

About us

Alerte-Secours is not a startup like any other, it is above all the vision of a public interest project whose ambition is to transform our digital interreaction to put them at the service of the human.

It's not another social network to put you in a bubble and get away from here and now. On the contrary, it is an application whose sole purpose is to improve the call for help around you. It is a project that connects you to the real by offering you opportunities to help others, concretely, not virtually. At Alerte-Secours we put technology at the service of the human.

Ethics and Philosophy

We will never trade your personal data. Yes, I know, we are idealists!

Our business model relies above all on a crazy and audacious hope, that of a massive adoption sufficient so that the development of tailor-made features to destinations of the professional services that will make the request can finance it.

We also rely on sponsorship, crowdfunding, possible subsidies, or sponsorship.


Alerte-Secours is exclusively based on open-source technologies. Although not yet open-source for timing reasons, it has a vocation to become open-source.

You want to join us

This project makes sense for you and you want to engage in a future project?

Alerte-Secours is looking for collaborators with skills in development, project management, business, com, graphics. Contact us if you want to be part of the adventure.